Free Web Sites
Personal Security
I firmly believe that anyone developing a website for their personal use
must put into place as much security as possible. You want the website to
be available to friends and family, but not to the nuts that surf the web looking for
opportunities to sell you something, or worse.
If this seems like a paranoid behavior, it is. I value my personal privacy very much
and do not want any violation, if at all possible. You may not feel as strong
about this as I do, but "you have been warned".
In general, there are numerous sources for web sites. Some are free, some cost $20
per month and others up to $150 per month. I found references to free sites by going to
and going to the broad list of Service providers. I then put in a service criteria
of Free Hosting and Personal Web Site.
This gave me four web page providers including Tripod and Freeweb.
You can put in your own criteria and get an up to date list of service providers.
Tripod is owned by Lycos and gives web sites free. They justifty this by putting
advertizing on various pages on your site. Thankfully, the advertizing is not too
objectionable so that it doesn't interfere too much.
The terms of the deal are that you get 11 Megs of server memory for free. In order to use
more than that, you can pay about $20 per month and can have site of 21 Megs.
For our discussion, I will assume you are interested in the FREE SITE.
Here is how to get the site.
Page Creation
See the HTML pages for information on creating the index.htm (home) page and all others.